2024 minimum wage increase by state

2024 Minimum Wage Increases by State

As I’ve always understood it, minimum wage is primarily for entry-level workers like teenagers. A “minimum wage” is intended to protect them from being unfairly exploited while they learn what it’s like / how to be an employee. Business owners hiring them bear the brunt of teaching them new skill and how to behave with…

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Requires Employers to Provide Reasonable Accommodations

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Requires Employers to Provide Reasonable Accommodations The PWFA goes into effect on June 27, 2023, and the EEOC will start accepting PWFA charges the same day. Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations for known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. Click to Read Comprehensive, Mindful, and 100%…

Update – State Laws and Regulations Regarding Marijuana Testing

State Laws and Regulations Regarding Marijuana Testing State Cannabis Policy Enactment Database It’s vital for employers to stay up to date with evolving cannabis and employment laws to avoid potential discrimination lawsuits. There is no federal law that prevents marijuana drug testing, and many states leave the decision up to the individual employer. The National…

Business Contracts – What we learned from a stupid lawsuit…

Way back, being sued by a former employee who felt he should be paid for sales 10 years out into the future inspired the Sales Representative Agreement (just ONE of the 165 sample contract templates available here). We wrote it with a renewed sense of need. This sample Sales Representative contract alone could save you…