Dealing with Stubborn People!

  I was observing some stubbornness in a friend — and, when I notice some undesirable behavior in another person, I’ve learned that it is often a reflection of something that I’m doing (or have done), and the best way to deal with the friend is to first understand myself… which got me to thinking about…

Female Founders Are Getting Nowhere With Funding? A Response to Caroline Fairchild on LinkedIn

Do you believe Female Founders are getting nowhere with funding? The reality: businesses are complicated. There are a lot of moving parts so it’s up to you to make your deal make sense to an investor. If you allow yourself to believe that they’re not investing in you because you’re female, you’ve succumbed to what…

12 Sayings that Invite Disaster

or… NLP & The Law of Attraction Burke Franklin, Creator:Business Power Tools Author: Business Black Belt “Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.” ~ Napoleon Hill “Neuro-Linguistic Programming” Listen to those words literally – they mean exactly what…

It’s not a resolution, not a goal…

What about adopting a new perspective on something? If you really want to do something new, make a change or bring something to fruition in your life, you must also change your perspective. “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” ~ Roman Emperor, Marcus…