Sales Leadership: Selling the Truth, Part 2

Continued from Selling the Truth, Part 1… Excerpted from the book, Business Black Belt Like a said before, I can tell in a heartbeat now if a salesperson is coming to pitch me because he or she wants the deal or if he or she thinks they have something I could really use. Sometimes it…

Sales Leadership: Selling the Truth? Part 1

Excerpted from the book, Business Black Belt We’ve all been watching TV pretty much since it came into being. We’ve all watched commercials as they’ve evolved. We’ve all seen and heard a variety of sales pitches, scams, and rip-offs, to the point that we are fine-tuned to fending them off. Now, a clean, straightforward sales…

Business Planning – Sequencing your presentation for capital

Building a business requires more than just an idea and a plan. For a moment (and you may need to refer to this moment often), put yourself in an investor’s position… What would YOU want to know about a business before you invested in it? We often recommend investing an amount of money in a…

The Academy Awards – World-class expressions of appreciation… and attraction

(Keep reading and I will teach you a secret to success by reversing the Do, Have, Be cycle) Academy Award® winners are people at the top of their game — receiving an award for being the best. I couldn’t help but notice that these were indeed world-class expressions of appreciation. Some seemed surprised and unprepared,…