Connect with the Inner Adult

Excerpted from the book on enlightened business, Business Black Belt I’m very easy to work with. . . just give me what I want. If you’re interested and a bit patient, you can communicate with just about anyone. Just like we must appeal to another’s inner child, we must also address their inner adult. In…


Excerpted from the book on enlightened business, Business Black Belt “You’ll never get rich by just saving your money.” You can make a profit from doing the right things, understanding people with the money, and applying a few simple principles. Do you really think you’re going to join the ranks of the rich and famous…

The Pain and Pleasure of Constant Consciousness

Excerpted from the book on conscious business management, Business Black Belt Accidents happen… when you are thinking about something else. You must pay attention to everything all the time. The world is moving too fast and mistakes are too expensive for you to allow yourself to “space out.” You must always be conscious. You can’t…

More Than 5 Senses You Can Use

Excerpted from the book on conscious business management, Business Black Belt Only in quiet waters things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world. ~ Hans Margolius In addition to your five senses, many other “senses” provide quality direction—beyond the limited scope of your intellect. I was taught that…