What PR to Do AFTER the Event


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Just as the day isn’t over when the exhibit hall closes, neither is the show over when you’ve taken down the booth and headed for the airport. In fact, the purpose for being at the show in the first place is just beginning to emerge. This chapter discusses the activities you need to complete after the show itself ends.

Follow-up on Contacts & Requests

You have come back from the show armed with editors’ and reporters’ business cards, and notes about how you can help them do their jobs. Remember, the same editors who liked your product also talked to 20 other companies that grabbed their attention. It’s vital that you keep your company name in front of reporters so they’ll remember you and your products. You’ve put in too much time, money and energy to let the momentum suddenly come to a halt.

Following up is the key to reaping the rewards of your investment. The strength and success of your publicity efforts depend upon these follow-up tasks being completed on a timely basis. The following checklist is an overview of the follow-up tasks you’ll want to complete; some of these are discussed in more detail in the pages that follow

Template to Use

Checklist of Trade Show Follow-up Tasks

[ ] Send thank you notes to interviewers
[ ] Send press kits and other requested materials to new contacts
(review the requests you noted on their business cards).
[ ] Send review products to reporters.
[ ] Call members of the press who did not attend the show.
[ ] Pitch a news story, review, feature article and / or case histories
[ ] Read publications for mentions, reviews and articles on your company and / or your products.
[ ] Obtain permission to reprint articles and reviews.
[ ] Arrange a press tour to key media.

From Harvard Business Review

Going to a conference can be a whirlwind of activity and connections, and sometimes, despite my good intentions, I don’t follow up with the interesting people I meet. Consultant Dorie Clark has a practical guide this week for how to process all the information you get at a conference, and how to follow up with people in ways that strengthen your network. By the way, if your issue is that you don’t have enough people to follow up with after a conference, you might like this other piece from Dorie on how to network when you hate talking to strangers.