How Our [Un-]Conscious Choice of Words
Influences Our Lives and Those Around Us.
Now We have an Elephant in the Room!
What Are You Saying? How Do Others Hear It?
What Emotions Do You Trigger?
What Do They Perceive?
And What Will They Do Next?!?
What we say creates pictures and emotions for our audiences.
Are we motivating or scaring them?
Self-defeating words, phrases and concepts can derail our intentions
with customers, investors, employees, and each other!
Here is a brief presentation I put together to illustrate the startling effects of using
so many of the double-negative phrases we use every day in our culture.
You may cringe at what you’ve been saying and how that manifests in your life,
but, with practice, things will turn-around.
Watch and you’ll understand.
Words Are the Seeds of Your Creation
My forthcoming TEDx talk
- The dangers of double-negatives
“Don’t think of an Elephant” => you just did!
“Don’t [xxx]” => You still get [xxx]
Dumb things we say and how they create our world - If you describe what you want in terms of what you don’t want, what do you expect?
- Other self-defeating words, phrases, and concepts that derail our sales / investor presentations / life…
- It doesn’t matter whether you shout them, whisper them or think them… your world will change
After you listen to this, you’ll likely want to revisit your written goals
What have said that creates what you want… or don’t want?!?