* Startup Business Plan, Growing Your Company, Planning, Funding, Strategy, Operations, Systemization

Here’s your best deal on a complete software template to prepare an Business Plan for investors as well as a Strategic and/or Operational plans. Includes financial models, pitch deck template, letters to advisors, etc. Includes links to multiple financing sources.

BizPlanBuilder® Official Site – Best Business Plan Builder Software Template – Raise Capital / Strategic Planning / Pitch Deck

You’ve assembled your team and raised some initial funding (or need to). Now it’s time to build a solid plan to grow your business and/or raise capital. Here’s the strategic business roadmap planning and credibility-building system you may have heard a lot about — from other entrepreneurs, business owners, CEOs, investors, and consultants. Click to learn more…

* Managing Growth / Compliance – Employee Policies Handbook, Job Descriptions, OSHA, Procedures, Security… 2024

Writing an Up-to-Date Employee Handbook for Your Business?
See Why this Software Template Gives You the Most Emotionally Intelligent Policies and Procedures to Engage Your People
When your company reaches the painful chaos and disorganization stage…
When you start to lose your grip on how things should operate, you cannot afford any costly screw-ups,
and you want to make sure things are done consistently…
Try these tools.

Stock Options Plan Software Template – Employee Incentive

Here’s how to establish clear ownership terms between yourself, your founding team, and others. Also save cash and pay employees, advisors and contractors with stock options! Everyone loves owning a piece of the business! Here’s exactly how to set it up and make it work — while you maintain control.