Here’s the Easiest, Fastest, Optimal Way to Frame the Foundation and Direction of Your Business


If this isn’t your first business, you’ll appreciate the time and effort these tools save.

If it is, you just got your first big break…

Business isn’t necessarily hard, but it does require doing a lot of the right things the right way.
You’re about to get your hands on the smartest way to go about it.

Why You… Why Now… Why Business Power Tools…

  • Start a new business with proven guidance & examples
  • Detailed blueprint for self-funding / “bootstrapping” growth
  • Evolve your organization, strategy, and model
  • Fix a free business pans lacking inspiring content?
  • Collaborate with your team for buy-in on priorities
  • Plan for succession — Document your knowledge
  • Prep your business to sell with a high-value presentation
  • Save $3,000 – $10,000 paying someone else to do it for you
  • Before risking any money, fully evaluate this deal
  • Compelling Investor presentation to raise capital
  • Tired of pitching investors who just “don’t get It”
    Or, they do get it, but a summary plan and pitch deck just aren’t enough?
  • Business Advisor? Predictable planning system for clients
    (Do it with them: $3,000-$10,000)

Accelerated Strategic Business Development Plan Works for You
From Concept to Funding to Market to Ongoing Operations… Even Sale

Comprehensive, logical description, financial simulation, and presentation inspires your team, investors, or a buyer.

We’ve reinvented “business planning” to become a multi-purpose, coordinated catalog of everything about your business.

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“BizPlanBuilder is our BEST BUY because it cuts through the complexity of developing a plan and helps you produce slick-looking results. Its exhaustive template walks you through every step from cover letter to the appendix, with plenty of samples…

BizPlanBuilder also offers a better
collection of financial tables, ratios,
and projections than any competitor.”
~ Mike Hogan, PC World Magazine

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It’s mission-driven strategic planning with team collaboration

All along your business journey, your detailed blueprint / roadmap evolves with you as you progress.
You’ve got a lot to do… You need all the help you can get.
You’re bringing something to the world and you must get it right.

BizPlanBuilder was created for you.
BizPlanBuilder also doubles as your secret weapon distancing you from others competing for the same resources.


The hardest working document in business — And it’s easy to update and use over and over again

Here’s the easiest-to-use researching, thinking, planning, modeling & presentation system for…

  • a Start-Up – Your blueprint and reality check for getting started the right way, minimize mistakes,
    and “bootstrap” growth. Perfect for covering all the bases and coordinating your team.
  • Raising Capital – Builds credibility and believability with a proven catalog of answers” for Investors.
    Shaves months off the time it takes to get the money you need.
  • Non-Profit – Demonstrates to donors that you will maximize their “Return on Impact”
  • Growing – Your roadmap for repeatable, scalable processes for organization, building teams,
    and leading your people. Control the chaos before it starts and continue growing smoothly.
  • Onboarding – What faster way is there to get new team members engaged and up-to-speed in your business?
  • Struggling?!? – This sucks, but we’ve been there back when and our business plan pulled us out of the ditch!
    This deal is easily within your reach and just may save your bacon.
  • Marketing – It’s your foundation upon which you can base and coordinate all of your marketing.
    The problem(s) you solve, customer demographics, competitive advantages…
  • Deal with a Big Corp – Your sophisticated, winning proposal to management.
    Builds credibility and proves you can deliver on a big deal.
    (Business Power Tools started with a business plan for a friend to land a deal with Apple.
    That evolved into our BizPlanBuilder and everything else.)
  • Ongoing Strategic Planning – It’s good to regularly revisit your “first principles:”
    What’s changed? What do you want to change? Engages your team in a guided,
    collab process that motivates them and makes it work.
  • Licensing – Your alternative to building a company is licensing your product / intellectual property to an
    established company with the resources, distribution, and sales force. Paint a promising picture, collect money.
  • Sale – Builds your case for a profitable future upside and validates valuation.
    Add the processes and systems that make it attractive to sell faster at a higher price.
  • Succession – Everything your kids / new owners need to successfully continue what you started.
    If you carry-back some of the financing, this is especially critical for you.
  • All-of-the-Above – BizPlanBuilder is your growing, progressive catalog of everything about your business.

Why Start from Scratch?

BizPlanBuilder’s organized system walks you step-by-step
through the process of preparing an effective plan / playbook.

Customizable sample business plans, flexible Excel financial models,
PowerPoint pitch template can be easily accessed anytime from anywhere
and enables secure collaboration with your team, advisors, or clients.

Our secret to your success is in the professionally scripted,
sample text refined over 35 years, annotated with pro tips throughout,
and intro videos inspiring and leading you through exactly what to say
and how to say it.

Easily editable into your own words.
Insert infographics, add images, and format everything your way.

It’s a detailed done-for-you roadmap for prioritizing your objectives,
defining your customers, planning your go-to-market strategy, and
making sure you’ve covered all the bases with your team and contractors.

Minimizes Time-to-Money

The BizPlanBuilder system enables ongoing changes,
so it’s easy to improve your plan as your business evolves.

It’s your “brochure” to distinguish your deal amongst investors,
partners, licensees, and ultimately acquirers.

Even share it online with investors (like a “Secure Data Room”).
It’s the fastest and easiest way to produce an investment-grade plan for funding.
And it’s a dramatic headstart on otherwise time-consuming Due Diligence.

BizPlanBuilder has been repeatedly vetted with Banks, SBA lenders,
Angel investors, and Venture Capitalists Worldwide with
More Financing Successes than Any Others

Liz Jamieson, SBDC Advisor

Way More Robust and Flexible than LivePlan

“I have used BizPlanBuilder and it has an incredible amount of information, templates, spreadsheets, sample content, and tools in it. It is a very robust system (way more robust and flexible than LivePlan, if you ask me)! Burke has decades of experience with business financing and business planning software. I have also used Burke as a guest speaker to talk about pitch development and pitching angel investors, etc., as part of the ScaleUp program. Burke is a great resource for us to have available to us! ”
~ Liz Jamieson | Certified Business Advisor, Washington SBDC at Washington State University

Investor-Ready / Operational Strategic Plan Addresses
All of the Who, What, Why, Where, When, and How…
Engages Investors, Partners, and Buyers Faster!

Content, structure, and guidance are in place — Quickly and easily customizable by you and your team.

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“Business Model Canvas”? “Lean Start-Up”?

Those are a good start, but now for the big picture, the step-by-step actions, and the necessary details enabling you to raise capital.
(FYI… Our “Home” page in that screen is our update of a business model canvas on steroids.)

← What to say and how to say it is expertly drafted for you to complete in your own words.
← The green text is us providing ideas, suggestions, warnings…
← Easily insert images, graphics, links, and format it any way you like
← The menu tree at the far left enables access to any section you want
← Checking the blue box includes a section (you may not need all of them)

Add a million+ $$$ to your valuation?

  • What if you could make a better case to improve your pre-money valuation by a $1,000,000+?
  • How much more of your company would you keep?
  • What would it be worth it to produce a better plan?

Much of your appeal is won or lost
in your meetings after your pitch

Investors are real people, many are very disciplined, and most are skeptical.

They fear losing their money more than striking it rich. They’ll have a lot of questions!

They’ll contact their advisors and friends, and
they’ll come back to you with more questions.

They’re looking at other opportunities too.
You’ve got to be more convincing and their best bet for succeeding.

We know this. We’ve lived through it.
And we developed BizPlanBuilder to deal with it.
All of it.

We’ve also used it ourselves with Angels and VCs,
an SBA loan, Lines of Credit, Vendor Financing,
an Acquisition, even with Mom!

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SCORE Counselors Recommend BizPlanBuilder

“SCORE consultants recommend BizPlanBuilder business plan software. “I teach a class for SCORE on how to prepare a business plan. You will be pleased to know that most of our counselors recommend BizPlanBuilder to our clients. Thank you!”
~ Terry Little

“So much of company building I realized was about having a strong foundation.
I saw countless “hot” startups rise fast and then fail hard because they didn’t take time to build the right team,
the right foundation, and the right operating system to run a company.”

~ Taweed Kadar, Founder & CEO, ToutApp

100% Customizable Financial Models Do All the Arithmetic for You

Easy for not-so-financial people, magical for pros, makes complete sense to investors.

BizPlanBuilder includes CPA-Tested Financial Models − Built in Excel® → Easily Project Revenue, Costs, Profits, Cashflow, Valuation… And Potential Ownership Give-Up of Any Investor Deal


Completely configured, fully integrated and tastefully formatted.

Easily play “What-If?” with your ideas.

No need to be a spreadsheet or financial expert.

If you are, everything is 100% customizable.

Details Here

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John Kiser financial advisor, business consultant

“Burke and I have been acquainted for a number of years, and I’ve used and recommended his software solutions for business owners even longer. Let’s face it, writing a business plan is not at the top of the list of what most of us like to do. It’s a daunting task, and a tedious undertaking. Business Power Tools changes all that. You’ll find yourself creating a new plan or updating existing plans in record time, and you’ll feel confident in the quality like never before. I’d urge you to check it out. I think you’ll be truly surprised.”
~ John Kiser from Money Mentor (an MMOT, LLC enterprise)

Bonus: Contact Relationship Management (CRM) System

Built-in To the Dashboard

Business Power Tools CRM is an easy to use online contact management and small business marketing solution designed specifically to help growth and impact entrepreneurs get off the ground and build lasting value in your company.

We don’t claim to be an Infusionsoft, Ontraport, or SalesForce type of marketing automation system.

Instead, think of the Business Power Tools CRM for all of your internal communications and project management.

(You’re probably not going track your packaging vendor, close advisors, or VIP customers using a marketing automation system.)

Manages a Lot More Than Just Contacts

Because it’s all online you can access your information securely from work, home or the road, and stay in touch with your customers anywhere / anytime.

  • Calendar shows due dates for everything: Meetings, Events, Campaign Deadlines,
  • Tasks: Your To-Do lists for everyone
  • Contacts: Build comprehensive records — find and contact by multiple criteria
  • Leads: The Sales process starts here
  • Notes: Builds your business “brain trust”
  • Events: Schedule & coordinate all activities
  • Marketing Programs: Collaborate on all marketing campaigns
  • Proposals: Track the progress of deals
  • CRM Details Here

Scroll Down — See how you can get this CRM system FREE!


Bonus: The Ultimate Employee and Team Motivation…

Shares of Ownership

Save cash, inspire your team with stock

Here’s the legal paperwork you need to set up an incentive stock option plan to compensate key employees and contributors with stock options — Saving cash for growth while engaging your people even further.

Easily Track Shares and Options Issued

It also includes a comprehensive Excel®-based “Stock and Options Issuance Register” — just fill in the variables and print.

It’s a perfect complement to BizPlanBuilder when raising capital.
Details Here


How Business Power Tools Works

All of our tools are easier to use than Office and easily accessible via our visual document management dashboard.

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“Wow! It’s the customizable encyclopedia of everything
you need to know about your business…
but were afraid to ask!”
~ Michael E. Gerber, Author: “The E-Myth”, Michael E. Gerber Companies

Think About this When You’re Tempted By the Free Stuff

How much time can you afford to waste figuring out what to do and how to do it?

Expertly composed, 100% customizable software-driven templates demonstrate what to say and how to say it!

Here’s what you often get for free…

Really? That’s it? In This Case… NOTHING?!??
A blank form?
What are you supposed to say here?
What are investors, lenders, and others looking for?
Isn’t that why you’re here?

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There’s Often a Good Reason it’s Free

They want to tease you toward buying something else.

Many are just devices (“lead magnets”) to capture your contact information.

This is no time to fool around with empty “click bait.”

Just get it done. No more books, classes or webinars…

Before someone else beats you to it!

Compare that with what you get with Business Power Tools

Company info inserts in all the right places, saving even more typing.
Any blanks are filled-in with multiple-choice prompts you can actually use.
Easily customize everything to describe your unique business your way.
Just edit the parts you need, add your ideas, and build as you go.

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Why You. Why Business Power Tools. Why Now.

In the exhilarating sprint to grow your business, some critical elements can get overlooked…
Here’s your simplified system to successfully
scale your company to millions and beyond.

“…like Office + Netflix® + Legos® + Cliff’s Notes® → Online, for Business.”

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The Most Templates and Tools

All Apps Work Alike and Together

  • Almost ZERO learning curve!
  • Does the job of hundreds of apps
    Without you wasting your time
    learning to use every. Single. One.
  • Easy-to-use system
    Complete critical projects quickly
  • All tools are built on the same platform
  • Ongoing updates included
  • Collaborate without conflicting copies
  • Click from project to project
    Each works just as you’d expect
  • Mindfully curated
    Developed and evolved over 30+ years
  • Edited by a former Sharper Image®
    catalog copywriter

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Everything is Fully Customizable

Your Business Your Way

  • Private Label — Insert your own branding
  • Include your logo / slogan / tagline
  • Customize any / all of the templates
  • Company data fills in automatically
    saves typing, speeds completion
  • Upload your own content
    Create new, re-usable custom templates
  • “Priorities” lists for every area
  • Excel-based calculators
    Do / show all the math for better decisions
    100% customizable for your business
  • Insert your preferred RSS feeds
  • Consultants save time educating clients
  • Expedites due-diligence for
    Faster funding or sale

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Include Unlimited Team & Advisors

Secure Collaborative Workspace

  • Teams engage and buy-In to priorities,
    Changes and what they Help create
  • Remote work empowered
    All team members, advisors, and investors
    Collaborate, contribute, or review
  • For now, just +$1 / month each
  • CRM system tracks VIPs, projects,
    , proposals, events
  • Complete and secure control over
    Everything anyone can access
  • App by app — Each with admin,
    edit, or read-only privileges
  • System keeps all documents secure
    Organized for easy access
  • Serves as a “Secure Data Room

You Can Do This…

“BizPlanBuilder really shines.
Quite simply, it’s the best way that I know to create a business plan that will get you the investors that you need to be successful.”
~ Brian Underdahl, Author, Small Business Computing for Dummies

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Your Best Deal: All of the Above + the Dashboard

If you believe a better business plan would get you closer to investors and money sooner,
there’s no better investment you can make right now than getting this bundle.

A synthesis of advice, books, classes, posts, YouTubes, and webinars…
blended with expertly drafted templates enabling you to create a coordinated and practical plan of action as you go →

Upgrade to the Complete Strategic Business
Growth Plan / Roadmap Development System

  • Updated BizPlanBuilder Business Planning System
    Ideal for Growing the Company / Strategic Planning / Financing
    Bootstrapping / Concept Evaluation / Budgeting
    Start-Ups Raising Capital / Pre-Money Valuation
    Teaching Students "Real World" Business
    Efficiencies for Advisors & Accelerators
  • Our Best Deal for Start-Ups, Early Stage, Growing Companies, & Non-Profits
    Includes the Most Tools & Template Options
    + Expanded Dashboard
  • Compatible with All Browsers
    Progressive & Scalable — Start Small, Come Back to Edit or Add More
    Modular System with Drag 'n Drop Sequencing — Follow Step x Step or Jump-in Anywhere
  • Includes Full Access to ALL Content on Selected Panels
    Home, Business Plan, Finance, Legal, Management, R&D
  • Pre-Written, Done-For-You Sample Business Plans
    150+ Industry-Specific Sample Plan Templates Get You Going
    "SWOT" analysis crucial for strategic planning prioritizes
    Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats
    Unlike every other business plan templates, we actually intend for you to be able to use our copy vs. having to delete it or rewrite it.
  • Wizard-driven Financial Model
    Makes it Easy to Project Sales, Costs, Profits, Headcount
  • 3 Fully Customizable Excel-Based Financial Workbooks
    "Visionary Funding", "Expansion Plan", and Non-Profit Models
    Easily Adaptable to Model Your Organization
    CPA Reviewed
    If you are an Excel user, you'll love the total flexibility to customize your financial model.
    Need an Excel expert? You can find them in our Expert Referral Network!
  • Includes PowerPoint / Keynote
    Investor Presentation ("Pitch" Deck) Template
    Tutorial Guides You Step-by-Step Through a Successful Presentation.
    Comprehensive Handbook of Business Planning Adds Useful Insight into Raising Capital
  • Tutorial Videos Introduce Each Section
    How to Make it Count!
    What Investors & Lenders are Looking For
  • Supplemental Intro Letters, Templates, and Worksheets
    Invite Advisors & Board Members
    Cover Letters to Friends & Family, Investors, Lenders...
    "Elevator" pitch worksheet hones your perfect 30-second intro
  • Includes Incentive Stock Options Plan
    All Necessary Document Templates
    Shareholder Ownership Tracking
  • Includes Corporation & LLC Formation Doc Templates
    Articles, By-Laws, Operating Agreement, Unit Allocation...
  • Funding Resources
    Sources of Angel Investors, Venture Capital, and Lenders
    "Funding Plan" Strategy for Attracting Investors.
  • CONTACTS (CRM System) Manages:
    VIPs, Vendors, Investors...
    + Tasks + Events + Programs + Proposals
  • Global 24/7 Secure Access
    Automatic Back-Up & Restore
  • Month To Month Subscription
    No Contract, No Commitment, Cancel/Suspend Anytime
    All Your Work is Automatically Saved
    Use the system as long as you need it.
    You may want to keep it open and allow investors and certain others read-only access.
  • Add Unlimited Number of Team, Advisors to Collaborate
    for $1 / mo each
    Also Between PCs Macs
    You Control All Access to Panels/Apps
    Add an unlimited number of users...
    Selected members of your team can access any/all of the apps in your subscription -- You control access as well as read / write or read-only permission.
  • * Secure Data Room for Sharing Investment Docs *
    Include Investors, Lenders, Professors as Users
    to Access & Review Plans, Models, and Pitch Deck