Many years ago at the University of Texas at Austin, I was a judge for a business plan competition.
There were 3 venture capitalists and me on the panel.
The odd thing that struck me was that every team at some point stated, “We’re going to do a million dollars our first year.”
I asked the VCs, “Is it just me, or does every business do a million dollars their first year?”
They all burst out laughing… 🤣🤣🤣
“You’d be surprised how often we hear that,” they told me.
So, I decided to say something further about this…
Your ability to build believable revenue numbers is where you either establish your credibility or blow it altogether.
Not only do you need to know for yourself, but you must to be able to explain it to investors.
Watch this brief video below and I’ll show how easily you can do it:
Here’s How to Avoid TWO Common and Catastrophic Mistakes…
Instead, Build Credibility with Investors From the Start.
A competitor shows how one can just drag a graph to make your numbers look good.
How can one explain their logic or walk an investor through that process? 😐
We don’t know either.
Here’s what to do…
Watch and learn. (7:45)
#3 Yikes! There’s One More…
Never, ever say, “And these projections are CONSERVATIVE!”
Your projections are your projections. You must be able to stand behind them.
Even if you think it, just NEVER SAY it!
Using BizPlanBuilder you’ll be able to easily explain and justify your projections.
Investors understand this.
The BizPlanBuilder methodology builds a case they can believe.