Customer Service: Five Simple Steps that Build Lasting Relationships

It’s easy for small businesses to get distracted with their products or services, and neglect one of the most important components of their business; Customer Service. The time spent working on your products, stocking shelves, or writing an email can take away from this precious and often neglected gem. Remember, customer service is your main…

Sales Leadership: Selling the Truth, Part 2

Continued from Selling the Truth, Part 1… Excerpted from the book, Business Black Belt Like a said before, I can tell in a heartbeat now if a salesperson is coming to pitch me because he or she wants the deal or if he or she thinks they have something I could really use. Sometimes it…

Sales Leadership: Selling the Truth? Part 1

Excerpted from the book, Business Black Belt We’ve all been watching TV pretty much since it came into being. We’ve all watched commercials as they’ve evolved. We’ve all seen and heard a variety of sales pitches, scams, and rip-offs, to the point that we are fine-tuned to fending them off. Now, a clean, straightforward sales…