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This Story of Gandhi Reminded Me…

There’s a story of a lady who took her son to see Mahatma Gandhi… Once on the schedule for the appointment, she and her son waited all day. Finally, she and her son got to meet the man. Her request was simple: “Mr. Gandhi, Please tell my son to stop eating sweets,” she asked. Gandhi…

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What Did We Learn from the Bud Light Fiasco?

How Could a Beer Commercial Go So Wrong?!? Somebody forgot to look up the demographics of their most profitable customers. The 20% that makes up 80% of sales. In case you missed it (ICYMI), a new(?) marketing(?) manager(?) was tasked with improving sales of Bud Light. She wanted the brand to be more “inclusive” and…

video - what angel venture capital investors look for business plan

Video – Writing Your Business Growth Plan / Playbook:
Describing the Changing “Market Conditions”

VIDEO – What investors and lenders look for in your business and in your plan — What to think about as you edit the “Market Conditions” section of your business plan and what investors and lenders (crowdfund, angel, venture capital, SBA) look for as they consider funding your start up or growing company.

Selling 3.0

Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt. What if your customers already want to buy? Your job then, as a good salesperson, is to engineer the deal.   Sales techniques we learned in the past are appalling and ineffective, yet many are still in use — let’s revisit the sales process…