amazon best-selling startup entrepreneur business management leadership best-practices blog book

What Are You Going to Do Next?

Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt. “You know exactly what to do. You just don’t do it fast enough.” ~ Robert Petersen, CFI, Flight Instructor You really do know what to do… One afternoon I was flying my airplane home with my instructor. As we flew into the San Francisco Bay…

Selling 3.0

Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt. What if your customers already want to buy? Your job then, as a good salesperson, is to engineer the deal.   Sales techniques we learned in the past are appalling and ineffective, yet many are still in use — let’s revisit the sales process…

Hiring Interview Questions Not in Anybody’s Book

Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt   “Hire smart or manage tough.” ~ Lou Adler, executive recruiter   If you’re betting the farm on key employees, you need all the clues you can get. Here are a few questions to add to your interview repertoire.   Tell me what you’ve…

amazon best-selling startup entrepreneur business management leadership best-practices blog book

Doing What You Really Want

How to Develop Your Life Purpose Statement   Excerpted from the book on conscious entrepreneurship and business management, Business Black Belt “It’s easier to make money doing something you like, than figuring out how to like something you do for money.” ~ unknown Sooner or later you’ll get up the nerve to pursue your true…