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Do Not Sell Your Product to Investors!

Pitching Investors 101 Here is a chapter from the book: Business Back Belt Before you get too far into your business plan, you may want to read this… Are You Raising Capital? Do Not Sell Your Product To Investors! They don’t want to buy your product, they want to invest in your business! There’s a…

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Video: Avoid These Two Disastrous Revenue Model Mistakes

Here’s How to Avoid TWO Common and Catastrophic Mistakes… Instead, Build Credibility with Investors From the Start. A competitor shows how one can just drag a graph to make your numbers look good. How can you explain your logic or walk an investor through your process? 😐 We don’t know either. Here’s what to do……

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Competitors – 3 Kinds to Consider for Planning and Strategy

How does an underfunded innovator compete in an industry that makes more money treating a problem than it would by solving it? Pollution, garbage, water, food… Some entrepreneurs take pride in being “disruptive.” If that’s you, just be careful how you poke the beast. Learn more…

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Video – Writing Your Business Plan Executive Summary:
Introducing Your “Concept”

VIDEO – What investors and lenders look for in your business plan! In this brief video, Business Power Tools founder and BizPlanBuilder business plan software template creator Burke Franklin coaches on writing a business plan — What to think about as you edit the “Concept / Business Model” section of your business plan and what investors and lenders (crowdfund, angel, venture capital, SBA) look for as they consider funding your start up or growing company.

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How to self-fund bootstrap your business without raising capital

10 Ways to Build Your Business Without Raising Capital – Business Power Tools founder and BizPlanBuilder business plan software template creator Burke Franklin consults on strategies for building businesses without investment capital. And if/when you need it, you’ll be in the strongest position… Click to watch now…