Dealing with Stubborn People!

  I was observing some stubbornness in a friend — and, when I notice some undesirable behavior in another person, I’ve learned that it is often a reflection of something that I’m doing (or have done), and the best way to deal with the friend is to first understand myself… which got me to thinking about…

Female Founders Are Getting Nowhere With Funding? A Response to Caroline Fairchild on LinkedIn

Do you believe Female Founders are getting nowhere with funding? The reality: businesses are complicated. There are a lot of moving parts so it’s up to you to make your deal make sense to an investor. If you allow yourself to believe that they’re not investing in you because you’re female, you’ve succumbed to what…

20 Virtues that Propel Business Success

Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt. “What you learn after you think you know it all is what counts.” ~ John Wooden, legendary UCLA basketball coach For those who give you reasons for why businesses fail… When I read a magazine article entitled, “10 Ways to Go Out of Business,” I…


Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt. You never know what you can deal with until you have to. ~ DeAnna Sodoma, champion wheelchair racer You may not need to venture out on your own when you could do the equivalent just as easily within your present job. Should you jump…

Selling for a Change

Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink… Try salting the oats. ~ Anonymous Selling is often not just convincing someone to buy your product or service but to change what they already have or what they are doing…